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Epic Christian Academy is a learning place where students develop academically, grow spiritually, and connect in community. We see that Jesus grew intellectually, socially, and in his relationship with God (Luke 2:52), so, therefore, our commitment is to train and empower your student to do the same.

Kingdom Education

We are an educational environment that centralizes and celebrates the Kingdom of God. What is the Kingdom of God and how does it apply to education?  Here are some points that guide us. At Epic Christian Academy our desire is to understand God and the
reality of His Kingdom in greater measure. We believe it is His intention and purpose to extend .His Kingdom ‘on earth as it is in Heaven’ (Matt 6:10) and therefore it is our responsibility at ECA to teach and train students to understand and express the culture of the King.

Core Values

Culture is built on shared beliefs, values ,and practices. Here are some core values that we
celebrate and centralize at Epic Christian Academy: including all the points below.

God is a good Father

His Holy Spirit empowers us for a holy, purpose-driven life

Salvation through Jesus creates joyful and victorious identity

The Word is absolute truth

The Kingdom of God is advancing through His church body

There are no hopeless situations

Additionally, here are some some points about the Kingdom of God and education that
guide us at ECA:

The Kingdom of God is where the governing influence of our King impacts a specific place with His will, purpose, and intent; thereby producing a group of people who express His culture and reflect His nature (Myles Monroe, 2015). We want a school that operates in this capacity

When Jesus taught us to pray, in Matthew 6, he said “Our Father…may your Kingdom come…” The Kingdom of God is about family and knowing the heart of our Father, and understanding our lives as his children. Therefore, developing disciples (Matthew 28) is about celebrating and promoting sonship.

The Kingdom of God is righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit (Romans 14:17)

Educating our students must be based on absolute truth, the word of God, which will never pass away (Matthew 23:35).

Educating our students must promote spiritual and moral development (Mark 10:13-16)

Educating our students is relational. The life of the teacher will influence and impact the development of their beliefs and biblical worldview (Luke 6:40).

The education of students must increase their awareness and understanding of God (Romans 1:20, 11:33), their knowledge of Jesus (Col 2:3), and their ability to walk in greater wisdom, sense of purpose, and the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23, Prov. 4:5, 9:10).

Educating our students must have a view of the future that includes hope and an eternal perspective (Col 3:1-2, ancient path, hope for the future)

The education of children is the primary responsibility of parents (Deut 6:4-9).

Vigorous Academics

At Epic Christian Academy, we provide a strong, quality, thorough academic program for students grades K-8. We organize our classrooms in small, multi-age groupings that support individualized education and cooperative, project based learning activities. Our students are challenged to work independently as they develop competency and master academic concepts, and are also required to work collaboratively with others as they investigate and discover the truth and wonder of God.

Through project based learning activities, direct teacher guidance and instruction, modified and differentiated activities, online mastery-based programs, small group pull-outs, and more, our teachers facilitate a thorough and effective academic experience for each and every student.

Spiritual Growth

At ECA our desire is to see all grow in their ability to love God and love others as they love themselves (Matt 22:36-40). We are intentional about developing our relationship with God through daily prayer, worship, study of the Word; discipleship, and Biblical Worldview courses. Students consistently reflect on and respond to God’s word as we examine it through direct study and integrate it into all academic areas.

To help make spiritual life development fun and relevant we will have Prayer-ground activities.  Each week students will gather together to pray and worship in creative, fun, and engaging ways.  Whether through drawing and painting, dancing or playing the drums, students will be given opportunity to express their life with God in unique ways.  

For more info on Our Biblical Worldview curriculum is through Summit Ministries. Their mission is…

Additionally, the Center for biblical worldview,

ECA is honored to teach and train students to develop their biblical worldview. The goals of our Biblical Worldview curriculum are to: equip students to understand God’s narrative, define the Christian worldview, and help make the Bible and their relationship with God more and more relevant. As a school we want to support students as they build a framework for biblical living and apply what they are learning to the world we live in. In addition, to help make spiritual life development fun and relevant we will also have weekly worship services. Each week students (and families) gather together to pray and worship in creative, fun, and engaging ways. Whether through drawing and painting, dancing, or playing the drums, students will be given the opportunity to express their life with Him in meaningful ways.

Healthy Realtionships

Work to develop a Kingdom culture at our school, one that values and promotes: honor and connection.

Value the heart of the individual. Each member of the community is an important part of the whole.

Activate students in multi-age groups. We believe multi-age groups best resemble family (the environment God created for us to grow in), and will help students prepare for future, real world experiences.

Facilitate small groups and one-to-one meetings with teachers that foster an environment of trust and accountability.

Play together. In addition to recess and planned school activities, we’ll have optional Friday fun-days where we go hiking, picnicking, bowling, mini-golfing, etc. together.

Involve parents